Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winter Texan's

Here's a real nice bunch of friendly biker's we rode with in Baffin Bay, Texas. For more photo's, click on the "photo gallery" on the right hand side of the page.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Toronto 'Bike Show, & Ride Schedule.

    For the Toronto Motor Cycle Show etc. Please click "events & rides" on right hand side of page.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunday Breakfast

Here are a few pictures taken by Carole at the last Sunday Breakfast. For more pictures, click on "photo gallery" on right hand side of page.

Pictures from Keith Leigh in Florida

Looks like Keith is having a great winter in Florida, at that price for a BBQ, he might come home a little heavier. For more pictures, click on "photo gallery 2009"

Couldn't resist showing you the company we are riding with. John

Welcome to Chapter 523

    Welcome to the Orillia Chapter #523 of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club's message site. This message site will be for everyone to post items of interest to our members or anyone that uses this site. Any suggestions, ideas, news or photographs that you would like posted, please email them to me at
    Check this site often as Chapter events and rides will eventually be posted. John.