Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday the Thirteenth

Excellent turnout for the Port Dover Ride on Friday the Thirteenth. Some members went down the day before and stayed over, 15 of us went down for the day, while others went down on the Friday and stayed over Friday night. My experience as a lead rider coming home suggests that my capabilities in that capacity are flawed. Leaving Port Dover I could see bikes behind me in the rear view mirror, sad to say it was just a different group that was following me. Oh well, everyone arrived home safe. See some pictures that Jim Wright and Blanka sent me this morning. Only in Port Dover you say. More pictures in the gallery.



  1. That is the way to live the life ,smile and happy face,good for you friends.....Dulce

  2. Thanks for the comment Dulce, it does look like they are having a great time doesn't it. John.
