Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wasaga Beach

Another great turnout for a short Wednesday night ride to Wasaga Beach. One problem on the way home with Luc having a rear tire blowout on a fairly quiet farm road north of Phelpston. Thanks to cell phones and Larry Purdy that had a CAA plus card, Luc was picked up less than a hour later on a flat bed truck and transported home. No injuries from this unfortunate occurance due to some skillfull manoeuvrering by Luc who ended up with the front wheel down the ditch at the side of the road.


  1. So happy my husband and no one was hurt. I also think, he did a great job avoiding,what could have been a terrible accident. Drive safe !

  2. Congrats Luc. Your skills are to be commended. Most likely the results could have been much worse. Drive Safe

  3. Update on Luc. He now has a new rear tire, the best money can buy he said, no more cheap tires.
    Riding a motorcycle valued at $20-30k and buying cheap oil and cheap tires for, makes about as much sense as buying a cheap parachute to jump out of an aeroplane with.
    Ride long and safe Luc. John.

  4. I just happy for you Luc,because even when I cant make the ride I pray for all of you.Dulce&Murray
